Building a Search Engine for Wikipedia

7 minute read

Scope: This is a set of programs that emulate some of the functions of a search engine. They store their data in a SQLITE3 database named ‘spider.sqlite’. This file can be removed at any time to restart the process.

In order to collect and store the data, the SQLite Browser should be firstly installed using this link.

The steps which are followed are:

  1. Web Crawling (Process of retreiving a page and pulling out all the links in a list.)
  2. Index Building (Look up the links between these pages and set and an Index based on their connectivity)
  3. Searching

Process: The page Rank Algorithm has been devided into 5 smaller programmes

  • Script 1

The programme below crawls a web site and pulls a series of pages into the database, recording the links between pages.At the end of the execution, the user is asked to enter the web website and how many pages wants to be crawled.

If you restart the program again and tell it to crawl more pages, it will not re-crawl any pages already in the database. Upon restart it goes to a random non-crawled page and starts there. So each successive run of progeamme below is additive.

import sqlite3
import urllib.error
import ssl
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Ignore SSL certificate errors
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

conn = sqlite3.connect('spider.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Pages
     error INTEGER, old_rank REAL, new_rank REAL)''')

cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Links
    (from_id INTEGER, to_id INTEGER)''')

cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Webs (url TEXT UNIQUE)''')

# Check to see if we are already in progress...
cur.execute('SELECT id,url FROM Pages WHERE html is NULL and error is NULL ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1')
row = cur.fetchone()
if row is not None:
    print("Restarting existing crawl.  Remove spider.sqlite to start a fresh crawl.")
else :
    starturl = input('Enter web url or enter: ')
    if ( len(starturl) < 1 ) : starturl = ''
    if ( starturl.endswith('/') ) : starturl = starturl[:-1]
    web = starturl
    if ( starturl.endswith('.htm') or starturl.endswith('.html') ) :
        pos = starturl.rfind('/')
        web = starturl[:pos]

    if ( len(web) > 1 ) :
        cur.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Webs (url) VALUES ( ? )', ( web, ) )
        cur.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Pages (url, html, new_rank) VALUES ( ?, NULL, 1.0 )', ( starturl, ) )

# Get the current webs
cur.execute('''SELECT url FROM Webs''')
webs = list()
for row in cur:


many = 0
while True:
    if ( many < 1 ) :
        sval = input('How many pages:')
        if ( len(sval) < 1 ) : break
        many = int(sval)
    many = many - 1

    cur.execute('SELECT id,url FROM Pages WHERE html is NULL and error is NULL ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1')
        row = cur.fetchone()
        # print row
        fromid = row[0]
        url = row[1]
        print('No unretrieved HTML pages found')
        many = 0

    print(fromid, url, end=' ')

    # If we are retrieving this page, there should be no links from it
    cur.execute('DELETE from Links WHERE from_id=?', (fromid, ) )
        document = urlopen(url, context=ctx)

        html =
        if document.getcode() != 200 :
            print("Error on page: ",document.getcode())
            cur.execute('UPDATE Pages SET error=? WHERE url=?', (document.getcode(), url) )

        if 'text/html' != :
            print("Ignore non text/html page")
            cur.execute('DELETE FROM Pages WHERE url=?', ( url, ) )

        print('('+str(len(html))+')', end=' ')

        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('Program interrupted by user...')
        print("Unable to retrieve or parse page")
        cur.execute('UPDATE Pages SET error=-1 WHERE url=?', (url, ) )

    cur.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Pages (url, html, new_rank) VALUES ( ?, NULL, 1.0 )', ( url, ) )
    cur.execute('UPDATE Pages SET html=? WHERE url=?', (memoryview(html), url ) )

    # Retrieve all of the anchor tags
    tags = soup('a')
    count = 0
    for tag in tags:
        href = tag.get('href', None)
        if ( href is None ) : continue
        # Resolve relative references like href="/contact"
        up = urlparse(href)
        if ( len(up.scheme) < 1 ) :
            href = urljoin(url, href)
        ipos = href.find('#')
        if ( ipos > 1 ) : href = href[:ipos]
        if ( href.endswith('.png') or href.endswith('.jpg') or href.endswith('.gif') ) : continue
        if ( href.endswith('/') ) : href = href[:-1]
        # print href
        if ( len(href) < 1 ) : continue

		# Check if the URL is in any of the webs
        found = False
        for web in webs:
            if ( href.startswith(web) ) :
                found = True
        if not found : continue

        cur.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Pages (url, html, new_rank) VALUES ( ?, NULL, 1.0 )', ( href, ) )
        count = count + 1

        cur.execute('SELECT id FROM Pages WHERE url=? LIMIT 1', ( href, ))
            row = cur.fetchone()
            toid = row[0]
            print('Could not retrieve id')
        # print fromid, toid
        cur.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Links (from_id, to_id) VALUES ( ?, ? )', ( fromid, toid ) )


  • Script 2

This script reads through the data in the database, writes through the data and get the Rank Page values.

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('spider.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()

# Find the ids that send out page rank - we only are interested
# in pages in the SCC that have in and out links
cur.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT from_id FROM Links''')
from_ids = list()
for row in cur: 

# Find the ids that receive page rank 
to_ids = list()
links = list()
cur.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT from_id, to_id FROM Links''')
for row in cur:
    from_id = row[0]
    to_id = row[1]
    if from_id == to_id : continue
    if from_id not in from_ids : continue
    if to_id not in from_ids : continue
    if to_id not in to_ids : to_ids.append(to_id)

# Get latest page ranks for strongly connected component
prev_ranks = dict()
for node in from_ids:
    cur.execute('''SELECT new_rank FROM Pages WHERE id = ?''', (node, ))
    row = cur.fetchone()
    prev_ranks[node] = row[0]

sval = input('How many iterations:')
many = 1
if ( len(sval) > 0 ) : many = int(sval)

# Sanity check
if len(prev_ranks) < 1 : 
    print("Nothing to page rank.  Check data.")

# Lets do Page Rank in memory so it is really fast
for i in range(many):
    # print prev_ranks.items()[:5]
    next_ranks = dict();
    total = 0.0
    for (node, old_rank) in list(prev_ranks.items()):
        total = total + old_rank
        next_ranks[node] = 0.0
    # print total

    # Find the number of outbound links and sent the page rank down each
    for (node, old_rank) in list(prev_ranks.items()):
        # print node, old_rank
        give_ids = list()
        for (from_id, to_id) in links:
            if from_id != node : continue
           #  print '   ',from_id,to_id

            if to_id not in to_ids: continue
        if ( len(give_ids) < 1 ) : continue
        amount = old_rank / len(give_ids)
        # print node, old_rank,amount, give_ids
        for id in give_ids:
            next_ranks[id] = next_ranks[id] + amount
    newtot = 0
    for (node, next_rank) in list(next_ranks.items()):
        newtot = newtot + next_rank
    evap = (total - newtot) / len(next_ranks)

    # print newtot, evap
    for node in next_ranks:
        next_ranks[node] = next_ranks[node] + evap

    newtot = 0
    for (node, next_rank) in list(next_ranks.items()):
        newtot = newtot + next_rank

    # Compute the per-page average change from old rank to new rank
    # As indication of convergence of the algorithm
    totdiff = 0
    for (node, old_rank) in list(prev_ranks.items()):
        new_rank = next_ranks[node]
        diff = abs(old_rank-new_rank)
        totdiff = totdiff + diff

    avediff = totdiff / len(prev_ranks)
    print(i+1, avediff)

    # rotate
    prev_ranks = next_ranks

# Put the final ranks back into the database
cur.execute('''UPDATE Pages SET old_rank=new_rank''')
for (id, new_rank) in list(next_ranks.items()) :
    cur.execute('''UPDATE Pages SET new_rank=? WHERE id=?''', (new_rank, id))
  • Script 3

In order to dump the contents of the created SQLite database, we run the script below.

(Dump is the process of)

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('spider.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(from_id) AS inbound, old_rank, new_rank, id, url 
     FROM Pages JOIN Links ON = Links.to_id
     GROUP BY id ORDER BY inbound DESC''')

count = 0
for row in cur :
    if count < 50 : print(row)
    count = count + 1
print(count, 'rows.')

The results of the running script is the number of incoming links, the old page rank, the new page rank, the id of the page, and the url of the page. An example is shown below: (6, 2.1145833333333335, 0.7383214107411781, 1135, ‘’) (6, 2.9479166666666665, 4.517690365321703, 2874, ‘’) (5, 1.6145833333333337, 2.403659583360638, 108, ‘’) (5, 2.03125, 1.814409390772034, 959, ‘’)